Tuesday, 11 November 2008

A card for Sketch #3

I made this yesterday, but it was too dark to take a photo. Paper is the totally gorgeous "Oh Joy" from Cosmo Cricket. I saw this collection on their website ages ago and have been waiting for someone in the UK to stock it. As far as I can tell, Bubbly Funk is the only place you can get it over here atm.


Gez Butterworth said...

Gorgeous card Kathy. Just love the stars. :)

Karen said...

This is a lovely sketch Kathy. I think we sometimes forget about stars! X

Kaz said...

Great sketch Kathy. I've had a bash.

Jackie said...

I like this one Mrs.........I've just added my effort to my blog HERE :)

Anonymous said...

Kathy your card is `beautiful`..TFS
`Thanks` for visiting my blog..Enjoy the rest of your weekend:)~X~

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Amazing sketch and the card is lovely. Well done.

x Natasha x

Janice said...

Hee hee hee, you get an award on my blog for this great new blog too!

Kim Dellow said...

Oh that is fantastic, I love what you have done here. Kim