Tuesday 1 November 2011

November 2011 - Frames Galore

Here's the new Sketch File sketch for November - we hope you'll like this one and feel inspired to use it for your craft projects.
If you're trying to get on with your Christmas card making perhaps this LO will help with that - or maybe you'll be able to use it for some other crafting project.  We don't mind how you use it, but we'd like to see what you make so please come back and leave us a link and a comment when you're ready to share your creations with us.
Here are a couple of ideas to get you started 

We'll back again soon with more of the things the DT have made using our "Frames Galore" sketch as the month goes on, and of course, we'll be looking 
out for the things you share too.
Happy Crafting

1 comment:

tracy said...

nice cards girls,liking the paper on kathys:)