Tuesday 4 July 2017

July Intro; 'Little Lines' Sketch


Welcome to the Sketch File and our brand new July LO
We hope you can see lots of potential for the simple shapes in this LO - you don't have to use the same shapes of course.  What will you use those three little lines for?  Maybe a sentiment or other text, some ribbon, or a doodle?

Of course you can play with in any way you like - change the basic shapes if you want to and feel free to twist, stretch or shrink it.  We always give a few LO variations over the month to help with looking at our sketches in different ways.

Remember,  it doesn't matter what sort of crafting you do 
we'd love to see what you can do with our sketch

Here's the sketch and a couple f ideas on using it.  
We're looking forward to seeing what YOU make!

July 'Little Lines Sketch

or maybe you'll shrink it .... 


We'll be back soon with more of our ideas, so please pop back 
to see what we've been making.  
The InLinkz gadget is below to make adding your direct link nice and easy

Happy Crafting!


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